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LGS Hop Varieties

*Grown in Wapato, WA



Originating from the USDA-ARA breeding program, Cascade is an aroma-type cultivar bred in 1956 and released in 1972. It was developed by open pollination of a Fuggle seedling. Cascade is the most popular variety in craft brewing and is known for having a unique floral, spicy and citrus character with balanced bittering potential. 


Aroma: Medium intense floral, citrus and grapefruit tones




Developed by the USDA breeding program in Washington State and released in 1985 as a high alpha bittering variety, Chinook is a cross between Petham Golding and a USDA male. In recent years, it has found favor as a dual purpose hop in the craft brewing community as a result of its spice and pine aroma characteristics.


Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include grapefruit, spice, and pine.




Developed by Hop Breeding Company and released in 2007. Citra® HBC 394 cv. features fairly high alpha acids and total oil contents with a low percentage of co-humulone. It is tolerant to downy mildew and powdery mildew with good pickability of dense, medium sized cones. Comprised of Hallertau Mittelfrüh, US Tettnang, Brewer's Gold and East Kent Golding.


Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include grapefruit, melon, lime, gooseberry, passion fruit and lychee.


El Dorado


High vigor, high alpha acids, lots of oils and resins, good storage stability and an exceptional yield also make this, on paper at least, an outstanding commercial variety. It exhibits bold tropical fruit flavors, said to be reminiscent of pineapple and mango, in addition to a resinous back note. On the nose, it imbues aromas of pear, watermelon, stone fruits and even candy. To date, it has seen use in wheat beers, Pale Ales and IPA’s.


Aroma: Pear, Watermelon, Candy




Developed by Hop Breeding Company and released in 2012, Mosaic® contains high alpha content and features a unique and complex aroma profile that translates favorably into a variety of beer styles. It is a daughter of Simcoe® YCR 14 and a Nugget derived male. Mosaic® is named in honor of the artistic assortment of aromas and flavors it is capable of presenting.



Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include blueberry, tangerine, papaya, rose, blossoms, grass and bubble gum.




Dual Purpose variety with strong melon, lemon, lime and slightly spicy notes; a mild herbal aroma, spiced candy fruit basket


Typical Brewing Styles: IPA, Pale Ale




Developed by Select Botanicals Group and released in 2000, Simcoe® Brand YCR 14 cv. is known for its brewing versatility and unique aroma characteristics. It contains high alpha and low-cohumlone which has found favor in the craft and home brewing industries for dual purpose applications. Simcoe®is moderatly tolerant to powdery mildew and has good pickability of a medium size cone.


Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include passion fruit, pine, berry and earth characteristics.




Although genetically different, Zeus is often referred to as part of CTZ along with Columbus and Tomahawk®, a trio of similar hops.


Aroma: Specific aroma descriptors include pungent, black pepper, licorice, and curry. 



Pahto (682)


Origin: USA. Formerly HBC 682, Pahto is the native name for Mt. Adams. It is a high-yielding and diseaseresistant super high-alpha variety.
Usage: Excellent as a bittering hop, where it contributes smooth, clean bitterness.
Aroma & Flavor Characteristics: Herbal, earthy, and floral. 



Hop Questions?

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Leo Gasseling & Sons | 750 Evans Rd. Wapato, WA 98951 | 509-877-3698
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